Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Please find with these keyword ပုဒ်မ(၁)နည်းဥပဒေ(၁)အပိုဒ်(၁)အခန်း(၁)rule(1)article(1)section(1)chapter(1)

Civil Services Personnel Law 2

2. The following expressions contained in this Law shall have the meaning given hereunder:

  • (a) Constitution means the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
  • (b) Formation of the Services Personnel means the formation of the Services Personnel Organization approved by the Union Government in accord with the Constitution and the provisions of this Law and the formation of the Services Personnel Organization formed by the Region or State Government by coordinating with the Union Government in advance.
  • (c) Services Personnel Organization means the Civil Services Personnel Organization which is formed with the formation.
  • (d) Head of the Services Personnel Organization means a person who is appointed and assigned duty as the Head of the Services Personnel Organization in any Services Personnel Organization by the President.
  • (e) Services Personnel means a Civil Services Personnel appointed to any post contained in the formation of any services personnel organization. In this expression, Defense Services Personnel and members of Police Force are not included for the matter of this Law.
  • (f) Ministry and Organization means each and every Ministry of the Union Government, each and every Ministry of the Region or State Government and the Self-Administered Areas. In this expression, the Office of the President of the Union, the Office of the Union Government, the Office of the Hluttaw, the Office of the Supreme Court of the Union, the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union, the Office of the Union Election Commission, the Union Attorney General’s Office, the Union Auditor General’s Office, the Office of the Union Civil Service Board, the Office of the Nay Pyi Taw Council and the Offices of the Development Committees shall also be included.
  • (g) Title to hold lien means the title to hold the substantive appointment at the vacant permanent post contained in the formation.
  • (h) Initial Appointed Post means the rank of a post which shall be started according to the classes of Services Personnel in each and every Services Organization.
  • (i) Civil Services Board means the Union Civil Service Board.

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