Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Civil Service Personnel Rules
Civil Services Personnel Law
Union Civil Services Board Rule
Union Civil Services Board Law
Civil Service Affairs

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9. The Board shall scrutinize the proposals submitted by the ministries and organizations and advertise the vacancy announcement in the newspapers, at least once, to call for applications from those who meet the specific qualifications eligible to take part in a competitive selection process. The advertisement shall be posted on the notice board of the Board office.

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9. A service personnel may be appointed to the post on which a lien of another service personnel is terminated. That newly appointed service personnel may acquire the lien on the post. However, if the previous service personnel is reappointed in that post, the new service personnel shall give up the lien.

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9. After the expression “A service personnel who is under departmental inquiry” in subrule (e) of rule 34 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules, the expression “ or who is imposed disciplinary penalty at the current post in ” shall be inserted.