Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Chapter V
Obtaining Approval of the Board

43. The following cases need the approval of the Board:
(a) the case where the joining time exceeds 30 days;
(b) the issuance of the external service regulations for service personnel on deputation;
(c) the matter of allowing prior increment.

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Conditions in Which Promotion is not Entitled

43. Although a service personnel meets the specified qualifications for promotion, he shall not be promoted if any of the following conditions arises:
(a) if a service personnel is given a written warning, during six months from the commencing date of the warning;
(b) if a service personnel is punished with withholding of increment, during the period of withholding of increment;
(c) in case of recovering wholly or partially for the damage due to the service personnel’s negligence or incompetence while performing duties, up to one year from the commencing date of issuing the order to recover the value of damage or the date on which the amount is fully paid back, whichever is earlier;
(d) if a service personnel remains on the current post although having been punished on conviction for any immoral offence, up to one year from the commencing date of the punishment;
(e) if a service personnel is reduced to a lower pay scale within the time scale pay, until the original pay scale is reached;
(f) during the period of preliminary enquiry or departmental enquiry;
(g) if the service personnel is demoted because of an offence, during the period prescribed in the demotion order;
(h) during probationary period in a post;
(i) during temporary suspension from duties.