Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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223. In receipt of an appeal request form, the relevant head shall form the appellate board to consider the appeal:
(a) In respect of the formation of the appellate board:
(i) the appeallate board is composed of a total of three members – the chairperson and two members. If it is necessary to appoint the service personnel from the other organization in the board, it may be done in coordination with the relevant service personnel organization;
(ii) the members of the board must not be lower rank than the appellant. The board shall not comprise the persons who were involved in the preliminary enquiry, departmental enquiry, the persons who have personal interest in the case, or who are connected with the case;
(b) either when the appeal is found necessary to take time to be heard or when there are a large number of appeals to be heard, in respect of forming the appeal review board with the Form (13)by relevant the head of the service personnel organization and assigning it to analyse:
(i) the appeal review board shall comprise a total of three members – the chairperson and two members. The members of this board shall not be lower rank than the appellant. If it is necessary to appoint the service personnel from the other organization in the board, it may be done in coordination with the relevant service personnel organization;
(ii) the appeal review board shall submit their findings, remarks and recommendations as prescribed in Form (14) to the head who has formed the board and assigned the task.