Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Union Civil Services Board Rule
Union Civil Services Board Law
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222. In respect of the exercise of appellate power:
(a) the appeal board chaired by the head who is superior to the disciplinary authority who imposed the penalty or passed the order is entitled to make a judgement on the appellate which lies against that penalty or order. If the head of the Ministry or the organization has been involved in imposing the original penalty or passing the order, the appellate board shall be chaired by the said head and composed of the other two members who have not been involved in the disciplinary action;
(b) the appeals shall be considered and brought to an end at the level of relevant ministry and organization except the appeal by the head of the Ministry and the organization;
(c) the different appellate authority shall be specified in respective service personnel organizations.