Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Chapter XVIII
Departmental Enquiry

192. If it is found that a service personnel infringes the following conditions, the departmental enquiry shall be made to enquire and hear the case:
(a) having the sufficient facts or evidence to charge the service personnel;
(b) having responsibility of the relevant service personnel to make an explanation under the report of the audit team;
(c) being found out that the departmental enquiry is needed to be made according to the findings of the preliminary enquiry;
(d) the action or omission of the service personnel is being a case which is punishable with reduction of pay within the pay scale, demotion, removal from a post or dismissal from being a service personnel;
(e) the action or omission of a service personnel who is prosecuted legally is being an abvious case to be a breach of the civil service rules of conduct or disciplines or departmental disciplines;
(f) necessity for consideration whether or not disciplinary proceedings should be taken against the service personnel although he has already been legally convicted by the court;
(g) although the prosecuted service personnel has already been released before charging on the grounds of no sufficient evidence or acquitted on the grounds that he is not found guilty after the charge and trial, being the case involving in the breaking of the civil service rules of conduct or disciplines or failure to fulfill a duty or breach of departmental disciplines by the said service personnel.