Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Civil Service Personnel Rules
Civil Services Personnel Law
Union Civil Services Board Rule
Union Civil Services Board Law
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10. The powers of the Board relating to the effective nurturing of the services personnel are as follows:

  • (a) establishing the universities and schools of services personnel to enable training and nurturing of the services personnel effectively;
  • (b) holding the trainings, discussions and seminars;
  • (c) preparing the policies relating to training, submitting them to the Union Government, obtaining its approval and carrying them out;
  • (d) coordinating, in accord with the adopted training policies relating to the departmental proficiency training courses opened by the respective Services Personnel Organizations of the Union for their services personnel.

Chapter IV
Duties and Rights


10. The Services Personnel is responsible for:

  • (a) allegiance to the Union;
  • (b) abiding the provisions contained in the Constitution and the existing Laws;
  • (c) performing the interest of the Union and its citizens with regard;
  • (d) maintaining and safeguarding of the state-owned properties and finance not to be lost and misappropriated;
  • (e) carrying out the assigned duties and responsibilities efficiently;
  • (f) abiding the Rules, Regulations, by-laws, orders, directives made by this Law and specific workplace conditions, orders and directives particularly stipulated by the respective Services Personnel Organization;
  • (g) being free from party politics;
  • (h) attending the trainings stipulated by the Civil Services Board;
  • (i) avoiding from depravity and misconduct;
  • (j) avoiding from misappropriation of vested authority according to the duty;
  • (k) avoiding from bribery;
  • (l) respect to the public.