Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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37. The basic course for junior civil service officers shall be joined by the following healthy service personnel
who are selected by the relevant ministries and organizations:

(a) management staff (economic) grade (2);
(b) professional staff grade (3);
(c) technical staff grade (5);
(d) management staff (administration, social) grade (1).

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Relaxation of the Term of Post and the Term of Service for Promotion of
Service Personnel

37. To award appropriately to an outstanding service personnel by promoting to a one-rank higher post in a reasonable period of time or to honour the service personnel who is outstandingly industriousness and eager to learn, the relevant Ministry and organization:
(a) shall consider to promote the service personnel, to two third of the vacant posts within the organizational set-up who meets necessary qualification normally and has the minimum requirement of the term of post and the term of service.The remaining one third of the vacant posts may be filled with the service personnel by relaxing the minimum requirement of the term of post and the term of service as special case;
(b) shall mainly be taken into consideration the followings in carrying out promotion by relaxing the minimum requirement of the term of post and the term of service by the service personnel organizations:
(i) proficiency and industriousness;
(ii) loyalty to superior officers and colleagues;
(iii) goodmorale and goodwill for the interest of the State and the department;
(iv) innovativeness;
(v) outstanding educational qualification and skill;
(vi) good leadership;
(vii) good morale;
(c) shall form the Qualification Inspection Boards and undertake in accordance with the stipulations contained in sub-rule (b)to carry out promotion by relaxing the minimum requirement of the term of post and the term of service;
(d) shall submit the case to the head of the relevant Ministry and service personnel organization and obtain the approval to be able to carry out promotion of service personnel selected by the Qualification Inspection Board by relaxing the minimum requirement of the term of post and the term of service;
(e) shall consider only the service personnel who has at least one year term of service at the current post in coordination with the Union Civil Service Board and obtained the approval of the Union Government in carrying out promotion to the post of gazetted officer by relaxing the minimum requirement of the term of post and the term of service.