Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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24. When asking for the remark from the Union Civil Service Board, the following documents shall be included:
(a) the memorandum signed by the head of the Ministry or organization of the service personnel to be transferred;
(b) personal profile form with 53 particulars of the service personnel to be transferred, Form (1);
(c) the disciplinary record of the service personnel to be transferred whether or not he has committed any disciplinary offence;
(d) regarding the transfer of the Government official from the Ministry of Defence:
(i) if the official is still in service, the certificate of no criminal and disciplinary record issued by the Office of the Chief of Military Affairs;

(ii) if the official is retired, the certificate of no criminal and disciplinary record issued by the Office of the Chief of Military Affairs and the last military appointment order issued by the Office of the Chief of  Military Staff;

(e) the statement in the memorandum of the Ministry organization which describes to which post the transferred service personnel will be appointed at which pay scale and whether or not there is a vacant post in the organizational set-up.
Note: (i) The memorandum prescribed in sub-rule (a) shall be signed by the head of the relevant Ministry and organization on account of the fact that it will be submitted to the Office of the President of the Union and the Office of the Union Government.
(ii) In case of transfer of posts in the Office of the President of the Union, the Office of the Union Government and the Office of the Hluttaw, the memorandum may be signed by a high level official not lower than the rank of Director General or the competent authority delegated by the relevant head of the organization.