Union Civil Service Board

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The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Union Civil Service Board

 Notification No. 43 / 2021

The 3rd Waning Day of Kasone , 1383 M. E

 ( 28th May , 2021)

The Union Civil Service Board hereby issues this Ethical Values for Civil Service Personnel in exercise of the power conferred by the sub-section (b) of Section 27 of the Union Civil Service Board Law with the approval of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, State Administration Council, Management Committee Meeting              No, ( 6 / 2021).

Ethical Values for Civil Service Personnel

1. The civil service personnel at the different tiers of positions and serving at the Union, State/Region, District and Township levels within the Republic of the Union of Myanmar are playing as the key role in delivering the  public services for the interest of the State and its people in accordance with the existing laws and regulations. The fundamental criteria for civil service personnel have already stated in the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (promulgated in 2008); Civil Service Personnel Law and Civil Service Personnel Rules. The competent civil service personnel provide the effective and responsive services to underpin good governance and ensure the democratic standards. Civil service personnel must be politically neutral, free from corruption, and have such other necessary criteria as academic qualifications and competencies to carry out their assigned duties and responsibilities efficiently.

2. It becomes an ethical and merit-based civil service only if the civil service personnel elaborate and perform their assigned duties and responsibilities in accordance with core principles of dutifulness, honesty, responsibility, accountability, transparency, inclusiveness, equity, fairness and impartiality.

3. These values are not directly concerned with Defense Services Personnel and members of Police Force according to Section 2 (e) of Civil Service Personnel Law.

4. These Ethical Values for Civil Service Personnel are derived from the existing Code of Conduct, Rules and Regulations and also meet with international best practices used world-wide, so the civil service personnel performing at the respective Services Personnel Organization shall reflect these values.

5. To this end, all civil service personnel shall be responsible for abiding by the specific workplace conditions, particularly stipulated by the respective Service Personnel Organization, and the provisions contained in Ethical Values for Civil Service Personnel.