Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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14. If the specific qualifications are required in line with the work nature of the relevant ministry and organization, the ministry and organization shall conduct another test for the candidates who have passed the written test of the Union Civil Service Board to determine whether they meet the required specific qualifications. Then the Union Civil Service Board shall continue to conduct psychology test and interview only for the candidates having those specific qualifications and select the ones to be appointed

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Chapter III
Appointment of Service Personnel and Transfer to Another Department

Appointment of Gazetted Officer

14. Regarding the post of gazetted officer in respective service personnel organizations:
(a) it shall be deemed as a post to be initially selected by the Union Civil Service Board;
(b) if there is a vacant gazetted officer post to which an external person is to be appointed, the respective service personnel organization shall propose to the Union Civil Service Board and ask for the approval;
(c) if a service personnel organizations desires to promote their service personnel to the posts of gazetted officer they shall propose to the Union Civil Service Board and ask for the approval.

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14. The expression “report to the Office of the Union Government” in rule 216 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules shall be substituted by the expression “report to the President.”