Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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42. Apart from workplace skills training in line with th work nature of the relevant ministries and organizations, if  the ministries and organizations want to conduct management courses and civil service training courses at the central institutes of civil service, they must do it in coordination with the Board

Chapter V
Obtaining Approval of the Board

43. The following cases need the approval of the Board:
(a) the case where the joining time exceeds 30 days;
(b) the issuance of the external service regulations for service personnel on deputation;
(c) the matter of allowing prior increment.

44. The Board shall scrutinize the following when considering to approve the external service regulations for service personnel on deputation proposed by the ministries and organizations:
(a) Whether the name of country or the organization and the assigned tasks and dutieson deputation are mentioned or not;
(b) Whether the exact period of deputation is mentioned or not;
(c) Whether the statement that the service personnel are not entitled to pay from the
parent organization starting from the date of the transfer on deputation is included or not;
(d) Whether the statement that, if the ministry or organization which employs the service personnel on deputation does not make his or her contributions for pension benefit to the State Budget at a specified rate, the service personnel themselves must make it is included or not;
(e) Whether the statement that, if leave accumulation is not allowed during the deputation period, the leave salary contribution need not be paid is included or not;
(f) Whether the statement that the interim can be filled the post of the service personnel on deputation temporarily is included or not;
(g) Whether the deputation period exceeds the time when the service personnel attain the age of superannuation retirement or not.

45. In approving the matter of allowing prior increment proposed by the ministries and organizations, the Board
shall examine whether the case is one of the following:
(a) the case is that the initial pay should be raised when a person acquired extraordinary qualification is firstly appointed as a civil servant;
(b) the case is that a civil servant deserves to be rewarded for performing duty outstandingly
at the present post;
(c) the case is that a civil servant should be granted prior increment due to any other sufficient reasons.

46. Service personnel are automatically removed from post commencing from the date immediately after the date of continuous absence from work for five years either on leave or without leave except that they perform duties on
deputation with the external service regulations. However, if the relevant ministry or organization proposes to the Board
to cancel such removal, the Board shall be able to do so if there are sufficient reasons for it. This provision is not
applicable to the service personnel who are absent from duty due to temporary demotion

48. When a gazetted officer from any ministry or service personnel organization is to be transferred to another ministry or service personnel organization and the relevant ministry or organization request the Board to provide comments, the Board shall conduct the required scrutiny, report it to the Union Government Office, and provide its comments to the relevant ministry or organization.

49. When the ministries and organizations coordinate with the Board to deliver the topics on civil service personnel law, civil service personnel rules, civil service regulations, civil service code of conduct, civil service history and civil service management at the trainings conducted in their organization, the Board shall provide assistance as necessary.