Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Civil Services Personnel Law
Union Civil Services Board Rule
Union Civil Services Board Law
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10. The powers of the Board relating to the effective nurturing of the services personnel are as follows:

  • (a) establishing the universities and schools of services personnel to enable training and nurturing of the services personnel effectively;
  • (b) holding the trainings, discussions and seminars;
  • (c) preparing the policies relating to training, submitting them to the Union Government, obtaining its approval and carrying them out;
  • (d) coordinating, in accord with the adopted training policies relating to the departmental proficiency training courses opened by the respective Services Personnel Organizations of the Union for their services personnel.

15. (a) If the Chairperson desires to resign from office on his own volition for any cause before the expiry of the term of office, he may resign from office after submitting his desire to resign as such in writing to the President.
(b) If any member desires to resign from office as contained in sub-section (a), he may resign from office after submitting his written resignation to the President through the Chairperson.

17. If the office of the Chairperson or any member becomes vacant due to resignation, termination from duty, death or any other cause, the President may appoint and assign duties to a new Chairperson or member in accord with the provisions relating to the appointment of Chairperson or member contained in the Constitution. The term of office of the Chairperson or member so appointed and assigned duties shall be for the remaining term of office of the President.

Chapter V

Ethics and Disciplines of the Chairperson and Members

18. The Chairperson and members shall abide by the following ethics and disciplines:

  • (a) shall not owe allegiance to any State other than the Republic of the Union of Myanmar;
  • (b) shall abide by the provisions contained in the Constitution, this Law and existing laws;
  • (c) shall perform duty honestly without corruption;
  • (d) shall behave in accord with his duty and dignity.