Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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291. While the respective service personnel organizations are carrying out disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions prescribed in the rules, they may coordinate with the Union Civil Service Board if it is necessary to do so for the purpose of correct procedures.

292. The Union Civil Service Board may manage the service personnel affairs, with the approval of the Union Government, which are not against the provisions prescribed in the Civil Service Personnel Law or stipulations in these rules.

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
The Union Civil Service Board

Notification No.35/ 2017
The 15th Waxing Day of Nayone, 1379 M.E.
(9th June, 2017)

The Union Civil Service Board hereby issues the following rules in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (a) of Section 76 of the Civil Service Personnel Law with the approval of the Union Government.
1. These rules shall be called the Rules Amending the Civil Service Personnel Rules.



25 th August , 2017

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
The Union Civil Service Board
Notification No.58/ 2017
The 4th Waxing Day of Tawthalin, 1379 M.E.
(25th August, 2017)

The Union Civil Service Board hereby issues the following rules in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (a) of Section 76 of the Civil Service Personnel Law with the approval of the Union Government.
1. These rules shall be called the Second Amending Rules of the Civil Service Personnel Rules.

2. Rule 2 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules shall be substituted as follows:
“2. The provisions in these rules shall apply to the service personnel entitled to the pay and allowances disbursed out of the State Budget. Although the Defence Service Personnel and members of the Myanmar Police Force are the Civil Service Personnel, these rules shall not apply to them according to the nature of their
work and duties.”

3. In Rule 3 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules:
(a) Sub-rule (b) shall be deleted.
(b) Sub-rule (d) shall be substituted as follows;
“(d) Probation means the appointment to an initial post of one category of staff in the organizational set-up by putting on probation for a period with particular conditions to train to acquire skill needed for the staff before confirmation of the appointment.”

4. The expression “Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security” in clause (i) of sub-rule (a) of Rule 19 and Rule 217 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules shall be substituted by the expression “Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population”.

5. The expression “sub-rule (d) of Rule 20” in sub-rule (b) of Rule 21 and sub-rule (a) of Rule 22 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules shall be substituted by the expression “sub-rule (e) of Rule 20” respectively.

6. The expression “ Head of the Ministry and the Organization” in ‘sub-rule (a) of Rule 27 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules and the expression “ Head of the Services Personnel Organization” in Rule 18, sub-rule (f) of Rule 28, sub-rules (b) and (c) of Rule 62, Rule 63 and Rule 159 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules shall be substituted by the expression “ Head of the Ministry and the Organization or Head of the Services Personnel Organization”, the expression “Head of the Services Personnel Organization” in clause (ii) of sub-rule(h) of Rule 210 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules shall be substituted by the expression “ Head of the Ministry and the Organization” and the expression “ Heads of the Ministry and the Organization” in sub-rule(b) of Rule 222 of the Civil Service Personnel Rules shall be substituted by the expression “Heads of the Services Personnel Organization” respectively.