Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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271. When a claim for extraordinary pension or extraordinary family pension arises, the organization where the injured or the deceased service personnel was employed shall send the application for extraordinary pension to the Ministry and organization with the following documents:
(a) a full statement of circumstances in which the injury was received or the disease was contracted or the death occurred;
(b) the application for extraordinary pension (injury pension) filled out in Form (A) or the application for extraordinary family pension filled out in Form (B) prescribed by the Department of Pension;
(c) the medical report in the case of injured service personnel or the one who has contracted a disease;
(d) the medical report of the cause of death in the case of a deceased service personnel;
(e) the reliable evidence of the cause of the death if the service personnel lost his life in such circumstances that a medical report cannot be secured;
(f) the medical report by the Township Medical Officer or competent authority who is delegated to collect the evidence if the medical report as to the severity of the injury cannot be secured;
(g) the report to be sent to the Department of Pension describing whether the extraordinary pension is entitled to enjoy or not, and the amount of pension if it is entitled to enjoy.

Chapter XXIII
Re-employment of Superannuated Pensioners on Contract

272. In re-employing a superannuated pensioner as a consultant on contract in order to utilize his expertise, the relevant service personnel organization shall:
(a) submit the case to the Union Government to obtain a decision;
(b) employ the retiree as a consultant on honorarium other than appointing to a post in the organizational formation;
(c) employ the retiree each year only for necessary period in accordance with the plan;
(d) grant the retiree an honorarium prescribed by the State;
(e) also grant the pension in full which is entitled to enjoy during employment on contract.

273. The retiree who is employed as a consultant:
(a) shall be entitled to the honorarium as prescribed in the contract at the end of every month;
(b) if the retiree is in receipt of pension, shall continue to enjoy that pension during the contract period;
(c) shall be entitled to weekend holidays, gazetted holidays and 10 days of casual leave and the earned leave at the rate 1/11 of the term of service within a calendar year with pay during the contract period. Any unused leave within such period shall be void;
(d) the proportionate honorarium shall be cut off for any absence from work except being on leave;
(e) shall be entitled to travelling allowances and daily subsistence allowances specified in the contract for the journey while of on duty;
(f) in the case of re-employment after retirement without break and the retiree has no chance to enjoy four months of preparatory leave for retirement, he shall be entitled to the lump sum pay for those four months.

274. If there is a circumstance in which the service personnel who is taken action might be transferred to or attached to another post or to be transferred to the other station without suspending from duty, he may be done so instead of temporary suspension. Provided that, if the transfer to the other station may have negative effect on the right of the service personnel to defend themselves or may arise unreasonably extra expenditure or may create other administrative difficulties or may lead to unnecessary delay to complete the proceedings, the transfer should not be done.

276. If the service personnel is married, the wife or husband, parents, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters shall be recorded in the service book. If the service personnel is single, the parents, brothers, sisters, nephews and niece and if there is no such close relatives, adopted sons and daughters shall be recorded.

278. In making entry of the date of birth of the service personnel:
(a) the date of birth shall be recorded after scrutinizing any of the following documents:
(i) birth certificate;
(ii) school admission registration;
(iii) certificate of passing matriculation examination;
(b) in the case of service personnel who knows only the year and month of birth but does not know the date, the 16th day of the month of birth shall be deemed as his date of birth;
(c) in the case of service personnel who knows only the year of birth but do not know the month and the date, the first July of the year of birth shall be deemed as his date of birth;
(d) if no evidence can be submitted for the year, month and date of birth, the age mentioned in the medical certificate of fitness shall be deemed as the age of such service personnel. However, for the date attaining that age, the date on which the service personnel underwent medical examination shall be deemed as the date attaining the estimated age in that medical certificate. Therefore, the assumed date of birth of the service personnel is the result number by subtracting the estimated age in the manner mentioned aforesaid from the date of medical examination.

279. In respect of the record of prominent features of the service personnel:
(a) the fingerprints of the left fingers shall be recorded in the service book. A separate sheet on which the finger prints are taken shall not be attached to the service book;
(b) in the space where the prominent features are to be recorded, the permanent prominent features such as moles, scars, or easily seen or recognized features shall be recorded. Indistinguishable features such as skin colour and face shape shall not be recorded.

280. The following entries shall be recorded in the service book with date and time after scrutinizing with relevant orders, payment claims, and leave record:
(a) Promotion;
(b) Increment;
(c) Transfer;
(d) Leave;
(e) Awards;
(f) Titles and honours;
(g) Academic improvement;
(h) Outstanding awards in training courses.