Union Civil Service Board

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Chapter XII
Entitlement to Regional Allowance

152. In respect of the current socially disadvantaged conditions of the respective townships where regional allowance is entitled:

  • (a) the following townships and townships stipulated from time to time by the Union Government are considered as the townships where regional allowance is entitled;
    • Kachin State
      • (1) Injangyan Township
      • (2) Tsawlaw Township
      • (3) Sumprabum Township
      • (4) Kawnglanghpu Township
      • (5) Nongmung Township
      • (6) Pannandin Township
      • (7) Tanai Township
      • (8) Shinpwiyang Township
      • (9) Chipwi Township
      • (10) Panwar Township
      • (11) Machanbaw Township
      • (12) Puta-O Township
      • (13) Mansi Township
      • (14) Sinbo Township
      • (15) Myohla Township
      • (16) Dotphoneyang Township
      • (17) Kanpiketee Township
      • (18) Lwekyal Township
      • (19) Sadone Township
    • Kayah State
      • (1) Shadaw Township
      • (2) Mese Township
      • (3) Hpaswang Township
      • (4) Bawlakhe Township
      • (5) Ywarthit Township
      • (6) Demoso Township
      • (7) Hpruso Township
    • Kayin State
      • (1) Hpapun Township
      • (2) Thantaunggyi Township
      • (3) Bawgali Township
      • (4) Leiktho Township
      • (5) KyainSeikgyi Township
      • (6) Hpayarthonesu Township
      • (7) Kyaikdon Township
      • (8) Shanywarthit Township
      • (9) Sukali Township
      • (10) Wawlemyaing Township
      • (11) Kamamaung Township
      • (12) Paingkyone Township
    • Chin State
      • (1) Tonzang Township
      • (2) Kyikhar Township
      • (3) Htantlang Township
      • (4) Matupi Township
      • (5) Yaezwar Township
      • (6) Falam Township
      • (7) Rikawdar Township
      • (8) Hakha Township
      • (9) Teddim Township
      • (10) Mindat Township
      • (11) Paletwa Township
      • (12) Kanpetlet Township
    • Sagaing Region
      • (1) Layshi Township
      • (2) Mopinelut Township
      • (3) Lahe Township
      • (4) Htanpakway Township
      • (5) Nanyun Township
      • (6) Donhee Township
      • (7) Pansaung Township
      • (8) Pinlebu Township
      • (9) Phaungpyin Township
      • (10) Homalin Township
      • (11) Khantee Township
      • (12) Banmauk Township
      • (13) Myothit Township
    • Thanintharyi Region
      • (1) Kyunsu Township
      • (2) Bokpyin Township
      • (3) Pyigyimandaing Township
      • (4) Karathuri Township
    • Rakhine State
      • (1) Munaung Township
      • (2) Maungdaw Township
      • (3) Taungpyoletwe Township
      • (4) Buthidaung Township
    • Yangon Region
      • (1) KokoekyunTownship
    • Shan State
      • (1) Matman Township
      • (2) Pangsang Township
      • (3) Mongkan Township
      • (4) Narpham Township
      • (5) Pangwaun Township
      • (6) Mongmao Township
      • (7) Linkae Township
      • (8) Homain Township
      • (9) Maukme Township
      • (10) Mongpan Township
      • (11) Mongyang Township
      • (12) Mongpauk Township
      • (13) Monglah Township
      • (14) Mongsat Township
      • (15) Mongkope Township
      • (16) Mongton Township
      • (17) Monehta Township
      • (18) Ponparkyin Township
      • (19) Mabein Township
      • (20) Mumtong Township
      • (21) Konegyan Township
      • (22) Mawhtaik Township
      • (23) Kyethi Township
      • (24) Mongnaung Township
      • (25) Mongkaing Township
      • (26) Mongkhet Township
      • (27) Mongshu Township
      • (28) Mongsan Township
      • (29) Moemait Township
      • (30) Mongyawng Township
      • (31) Kyaingtaung Township
      • (32) Mongyu Township
      • (33) Panlon Township
      • (34) Monekoe Township
    • Magway Region
      • (1) Gangaw Township
      • (2) Hteelin Township
      • (3) Saw Township
      • (4) Kyaukhtu Township
  • (b) service personnel who perform duties in the townships prescribed in sub-rule (a) where there are socially disadvantaged conditions, are entitled to the regional allowance which is equal to the monthly pay.

153. Regarding all service personnel assigned duty to the above mentioned townships where the regional allowance is granted:
(a) the regional allowance is granted only when they reside in these townships to discharge their duties;
(b) if they are temporarily transferred from the township where regional allowance is granted to the one where the regional allowance is not granted, they are entitled to the regional allowance during the transfer period only when the following stipulations are fulfilled;
(i) the temporary transfer period does not exceed four months excluding the joining time;
(ii) the transfer order states that the service personnel is intended to be transferred back to the township where the regional allowance is granted;
(iii) during the temporary transfer period, the service personnel’s family who are residing with him and wholly depended on him such as the wife or the husband and children (including stepchildren and legally adopted children) remain residing in the original duty station of the township where the regional allowance is granted;
(c) the regional allowance for the joining time is entitled for going to or coming back from the transferred station;
(d) the regional allowance is entitled during the stay in the township where the regional allowance is not granted for the purpose of attending national commemoration ceremony or performing assigned duty, attending a meeting or a departmental training or taking part in the interdepartmental or national competition.

154. The service personnel who discharge duties in the township where the regional allowance is granted are entitled to the regional allowance during leave period if the following stipulations are fulfilled:
(a) being a leave period which is entitled to full average pay not exceeding four months in the case of enjoying leave including leave preparatory to retirement;
(b) stating in the leave order that the service personnel on earned leave other than leave prepratory to retirement is intended to be reassigned in any township where the regional allowance is granted at the end of the earned leave by the person authorized to grant leave;
(c) residing the service personnel or the family in the previous township where the regional allowance is granted during the leave period or residing in the township where the regional allowance is granted to which the service personal is intended to transfer after the leave period;
(d) if the maternity leave is enjoyed in continuation of the earned leave, the regional allowance is entitled only up to seven months from the commencing date of the maternity leave.

156. In respect of the grant of regional allowance if the long vacation is granted to be enjoyed out of the township where the regional allowance is granted:
(a) if the long vacation is granted not in continuation of a leave, that vacation period shall be treated as the temporary transfer out of the township where the regional allowance is granted;
(b) if the long vacation is granted in continuation of the leave period with full average pay not exceeding four months, that long vacation period shall be treated as the leave period when the regional allowance is being entitled.

157. In respect of the regional allowance granted for the joining time if a service personnel is transferred from one township to another:
(a) if transferred from the township where the regional allowance is not granted to the township where the regional allowance is granted, it is entitled from the commencing date of departure from any of the transit points;
(b) if transferred from the township where the regional allowance is granted to the township where the regional allowance is not granted, it is entitled up to the date of arrival at the transit point;
(c) if transferred from the township where the regional allowance is granted to the township where the regional allowance is not granted or vice versa, it is entitled during the joining time;
(d) if transferred from the township where the regional allowance is not granted to the township where the regional allowance is granted and these two townships are close together, it is entitled from the commencing date of departure from the previous duty station.

Chapter XIII
Entitlement to the Continuation of Leave Period, Joining Time with
Public Holidays

158. If there is a public holiday before the commencing date of leave, the service personnel on leave may be allowed to leave the duty station in the afternoon of the day before the holiday. If there is a holiday immediately at the end of the leave or the joining time, the service personnel may be allowed to resume the duty on the morning of the day following the holiday. However:
(a) in transferring or resuming the duty of the service personnel, the case shall not need to handover or receive the office monetary;
(b) it shall not be the case where a service personnel from another station has to be transferred earlier to perform duties of the service personnel who leaves the duty station earlier;
(c) it shall not be the case where a service personnel is late to be transferred to another station as a result of having to perform duties of the service personnel who is late to perform his duty.

159. In respect of the cases which the leave or joining time is allowed in continuation of holidays by the head of service personnel organization or the person authorized to grant leave:*၉-၆-၂၀၁၇ ရက်နေ့တွင် ပထမအကြိမ်ပြင်ဆင်သည်။
(a) if the leave is taken on a holiday or the day immediately following the holidays, the leave period, leave pay and allowance shall be calculated the commencing date from that date on which the leave is taken;
(b) if there is a holiday or are holidays in continuation of the leave taken or joining time after it, such leave or joining time shall end on the day immediately before the holiday or holidays. Pay and allowance shall be allowed from that day.

Chapter XIV
Principles of Disciplinary Action

160. In taking action against a service personnel for the maintenance of discipline with the aim to prevent the service personnel from committing the similar offence for which he has been punished and to realize to be a good service personnel:
(a) a service personnel shall obey the rules of conduct, disciplines and duties and shall always try to develop professional competence with the aim to increase the proficiency of the service personnel organization;
(b) the action taken against and punishment of service personnel for breaking the rules of conduct, the breach of disciplines, the failure to perform duties and breaking the law shall aim at effectiveness in correcting the moral behavior and maintaining disciplines;
(c) disciplinary action shall be taken by following the correct procedures, bearing in mind the difference between the departmental actions and criminal proceedings;
(d) the departmental hearing shall be conducted in the presence of the accused service personnel other than the exceptional cases prescribed in these rules;
(e) the accused service personnel shall be given sufficient opportunity to make a representation and defend himself;
(f) if the accused service personnel is found to be innocent during inquiry, it shall ensured that the said service personnel will not suffer any loss of service benefits on account of the action taken against him;
(g) in imposing a penalty when the accused service personnel is found guilty, the kind of disciplinary penalty shall be of the effective maintenance of disciplines;
(h) in imposing a disciplinary penalty, the penalty imposed shall be proportionate and brought to justice to the offence committed. Imposing the penalty which causes ruin to the potential of the service personnel in life shall be avoided;
(i) if the penalty imposed in the departmental enquiry is not satisfied, it shall be entitled to an appeal. The appellate decision, order or penalty shall be final;
(j) the departmental action shall be completed without delay in order to be an effective maintenance of disciplines and not to be negligence on the official tasks