Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

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5. Pay Fixation

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Chapter V
Pay Fixation

51. When the service personnel organizations have appointed a service personnel to a permanently vacant post, the service personnel shall be allowed the basic pay starting from the minimum of pay scale.

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Initial Pay

52. The initial pay is the pay started to be paid to a service personnel at a post in the organizational set-up.

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53. Regarding the initial pay:
(a) when an external person is initially appointed as a service personnel to a post in the organizational set-up, the initial pay to be allowed shall be the minimum of time scale pay;
(b) in a case of a service personnel is transferred to the post of greater responsibility with the identical time scale pay, an additional increment shall be allowed at the current time scale pay.
(c) in transferring to the immediate lower post on the request of a service personnel, the maximum of the time scale pay of that post shall be allowed as initial pay.
(d) when the authority for demotion transfers a service personnel to the immediate lower post in accord with the punishment, such service personnel may be allowed a suitable pay not exceeding the maximum pay of that lower rank post.
(e) there may be a case where a service personnel promoted to a higher post is demoted to the previous post while serving at the higher post. Again, if that service personnel is reinstated to the previous higher post or to the other post of the identical time scale pay, the initial pay of such service personnel shall not be lower than the last pay of such post previously. The period enjoying that previous pay shall also be taken into account in calculating the increment.
(f) in case of pay scale of a particular post or a category of such post changes, the current pay of previous time scale pay being enjoyed shall be specified as the initial pay of new time scale pay. The date of increment of old pay scale shall be continued to calculate in calculating the increment.

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54.(a) A service personnel appointed to a permanent post on a certain time scale pay is entitled to enjoy an increment when it is due without need to apply for it.
(b) The head of the relevant service personnel organization authorized to allow increment may withhold the entitlement of the increment in accordance with the rules on ground of unsatisfactory performance of duties, or on ground of immoral conduct.
(c) When withholding the increment under sub-rule (b), the following facts shall be mentioned:
(i) period of withholding the increment;
(ii) whether or not withholding the increment will postpone the future increments.

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55. The following periods are to be included in calculating the increment:
(a) the duration of full time service at the post for which the increment is entitled;
(b) the duration of fulltime service at the post similar to or higher than the past for which the increment is entitled;
(c) if the promotion occurs during on duty period or study period abroad, the period of increment shall be calculated from the starting date of promotion;
(d) temporary suspension period which is treated as on duty;
(e) leave periods on leave pay;
(f) the period of leave without pay allowed to be included in calculating the increment by the authorized person in case of leave without pay was on ground of illness or for any unavoidable cause;
(g) the period of deputation on external service regulations;
(h) the period calculated from the starting date of promotion if being promoted at the parent department during deputation on external service regulations;
(i) periods treated as full time service in particular cases by the relevant service personnel organization in accordance with the laws, regulations and by-laws;
(j) when calculating increments, only the eligible periods will be counted after leaving out the ineligible ones.

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56. When a service personnel who, for any unavoidable circumstance, is demoted from a certain post to an immediate lower post, the term of service at the previous post shall be included in calculating the increment.

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57. The relevant service personnel organization shall propose and submit the matter of allowing advance increment for the gazetted officers to the Civil Service Board and for the service personnel below gazetted officers to the head of the relevant Ministry and organization, and obtain the approval after scrutinizing based on the following facts case by case:
(a) being a case where the initial pay is needed to be raised when a person who surpasses the general qualification requirements and experience for the post is appointed;
(b) being a case where the service personnel deserves honour for the excellent performance in the current post;
(c) being a case which is worthy to be paid the advance increment due to any other sufficient special case.

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58. In demoting a service personnel to an immediate lower post in accord with the punishment due to the immoral conduct, or poor performance the followings should be specified precisely:
(a) the period of demotion to an immediate lower post ;
(b) whether or not the period of demotion will or will not postpone the future increments when a service personnel is reinstated to the former post;
(c) the period of postponing the future increments if it postpones so.

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59. If a service personnel is reduced to a lower pay scale within the current time scale pay the followings should be specified precisely:
(a) the period of reduction to a lower pay scale;
(b) whether or not the period of reduction to a lower pay scale will postpone future increments when a civil service personnel is being raised to the original pay;
(c) the period of postponing the future increments if it postpones so.