Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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24. Maintenance of Service Book

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285. When the service personnel is transferred on deputation governing with the external service regulation or on completion of deputation, the service book of the service personnel shall be sent to the Department of Pension to examine for the purpose of pension. After the examination of the Department of Pension it shall be sent back to the service personnel’s parent department.

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286. When a service personnel is retired, the service book of the service personnel shall be sent to the Department of Pension together with the necessary documents through the relevant service personnel organization. After granting the pension salary, the service book may be provided to the service personnel if it is requested. In providing the service book, the statement that “the record is provided on the request of the service personnel” is written clearly at the end of the records and signed by the head of service personnel organization or the officer to whom the authority is delegated.

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287. When the service personnel resigns from the post for a reason other than for an offence, the service book may be provided, if the service personnel requests it, after recording the reason for resignation and that it is provided on request. If the service personnel does not request the service book, it may be destroyed on completion of three years after the resignation.

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288. If the service books are damaged or lost for any reasons:
(a) the new service book shall be compiled by referring to the departmental orders, pay request forms and pay lists. When these documents and evidence are not available, the new service book shall be compiled based on testimonials from the colleagues of the service personnel and in the cases of transferred service personnel, the testimonials from the heads of the previous service personnel organizations;
(b) in cases where it cannot be done as contained in the sub-rule (a), the service personnel shall be asked to make the detailed entries himself and these detailed records, the testimonials of two colleagues and the affidavit which the service personnel has taken at the relevant court shall be submitted to the head of service personnel organization. Such affidavit shall contain the facts such as whether the service personnel took leave with pay but not in full or leave without pay, whether there were suspension periods or breaks in the term of service. The new service book shall be compiled based on the facts approved and signed by the head of service personnel organization.