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Assessment of Qualifications of the Service Personnel of Time Scale Pay
(140‚000 kyats-2000kyats-150‚000kyats) and Below
35. (a) In assess a service personnel’s qualifications, written test, practical test, both written and practical tests and interview shall be exercised.
(b) Depending on the work nature of the post, if either written test or practical test is considered not necessary, assessment by interview shall be done.
(c) In assessing qualification, the following marking scheme shall be exercised.
- (i) in assessing both written and practical tests:
- (aa) full marks for written test 40 pointsand full marks for practical test 60 points or
- (bb) full marks for either only written test or only practical test 100 points or
- (cc) full marks for the particular test conducted by the respective department with their own plan, other assessment test 100 points
- (ii) full marks for rating and evaluation 100 points
- (iii) full marks for term of service 100 points
- (iv) full marks for the interview 50 points
(d) Assessment may be done without the interview if departmental interview is considered not necessary.
(e) The system of evaluation report shall be exercised in assessing the qualification of the service personnel.
(f) In preparing evaluation report, rating and comment shall be provided first by the immediate supervisor and then evaluation shall be done by successively higher supervisors and finalized by the head of service personnel organization or an authorized person assigned by the Region or State Government.
(g) Rating shall be done by evaluating the following qualifications:
- (i) conscientiousness 10 points
- (ii) proficiency 10 points
- (iii) reliability 10 points
- (iv) eagerness to learn 10 points
- (v) industriousness 10 points
- (vi)innovativeness 10 points
- (vii) compliance with office and workplace disciplines 10 points
- (viii) volunteering 10 points
- (ix) good relationship 10 points
- (x) leadership 10 points
(h) In evaluating and rating:
- (i) there shall be four grades as below average, average, above average and outstanding;
- (ii) it shall be graded up to 3 points as below average, 4 to 6 points as average, 7 to 8 points as above average and 9 to 10 points as outstanding;
- (iii) a short description of evaluation shall be given for below average and outstanding grades;
- (iv) personal profile form of the service personnel to be promoted is prescribed as Form (2).
(i) The rating supervisor shall:
- (i) prepare the evaluation report for the relevant service personnel in January for the previous calendar year;
- (ii) evaluate and provide rating for the relevant service personnel for every qualification prescribed in sub-rule (g);
- (iii) if some special comments need to be provided for the respective service personnel who has performed his duties brilliantly or received punishment within a calendar year the immediate supervisor, the successively higher supervisors and the head of the organization or the authorized person assigned by the head shall work together to provide the comments;
- (iv) if there is a special circumstance to promote the service personnel, a separate evaluation report shall be prepared.
(j) In rating and evaluating:
- (i) a total full marks of 100 points may be given for ten qualifications prescribed in the sub-rule (g) allocating 10 points for each;
- (ii) the rating and evaluating officers shall sign in the evaluation report.