Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Civil Services Personnel Law
Union Civil Services Board Rule
Union Civil Services Board Law
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Please find with these keyword ပုဒ်မ(၁)နည်းဥပဒေ(၁)အပိုဒ်(၁)အခန်း(၁)rule(1)article(1)section(1)chapter(1)

(၂) ဝန်ထမ်းခန့်ထားခြင်းဆိုင်ရာသတ်မှတ်ချက်များ

Chapter II
Specifications for the Appointment of Service Personnel

4. In appointing service personnel to a post in the set-up:
(a) the position shall be permanently vacant;
(b) more than one service personnel shall not be appointed at the same time;
(c) a service personnel shall not be appointed to a post in which another service personnel holds a lien;
(d) the service personnel shall attain the age of 18;
(e) if the person is an outsider, medical certificate of fitness shall be submitted.

6. A service personnel who is appointed with a confirmation is:
(a) entitled to enjoy the specified pay and allowances from the commencing date on which the service personnel performs his duties;
(b) entitled to enjoy the pay for the post to which the service personnel is promoted, while on foreign service or on study leave in a foreign country, from the commencing date of promotion;
(c) entitled to enjoy the pay for the post to which the service personnel is promoted, while on deputation with the external service regulations in or out of the country, only when he returns to service in the parent department at the end of deputation.

7. A service personnel’s lien is retained during the following periods:
(a) the period on full time service in a permanent post;
(b) the period on study leave in or out of the country with the permission of the department;
(c) the period on service in another post to which the service personnel is transferred temporarily;
(d) the period on deputation with external service regulations in or out of the country;
(e) joining time temporary transferring from one post to another;
(f) leave period;
(g) period of temporary suspension from duties.

11. A service personnel shall not be transferred to a lower rank post for any reasons except under the following circumstances:
(a) the service personnel is incompetent;
(b) there are sufficient evidences of his misconduct;
(c) the service personnel himself requests in writing to transfer to a lower rank post.

(i) The expression ‘transfer to a lower rank post’ does not apply to the appointment of a service personnel to another post on account of the abolition of his or her post.

(ii) The expression ‘transfer to a lower rank post’ does not apply to the temporary transfer of a service personnel to a lower rank post for a certain period as a form of disciplinary penalty.