Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Civil Service Personnel Rules
Civil Services Personnel Law
Union Civil Services Board Rule
Union Civil Services Board Law
Civil Service Affairs

Please find with these keyword ပုဒ်မ(၁)နည်းဥပဒေ(၁)အပိုဒ်(၁)အခန်း(၁)rule(1)article(1)section(1)chapter(1)

10. Provisions for Deputation

Chapter X
Provisions for Deputation

132. No service personnel shall be transferred on deputation against his desire. The proposal by an external organization to transfer a service personnel on deputation directly addressed to that service personnel is not allowed.

133. The period on deputation with external service regulations admissible is three years. This would be extendable by two years if necessary and the whole deputation period shall not exceed five years. A service personnel to be transferred on deputation with external service regulations shall have ten years of service and shall not be over 55 years of age.

136. In respect of the pay and joining time of a service personnel who is transferred on deputation:
(a) the service personnel on deputation shall enjoy the pay from external organization to which he is transferred from the commencing date of religuishing the old post;
(b) the organization which transfers the service personnel on deputation shall compromise the pay, joining time and joining time pay of the service personnel with the external organization to which he is transferred.

138. If the contributions are not paid within 15 days after the end of the respective month, overdue fees must be paid at the fixed interest rate from the commencing date of 16th up to the date all the contributions have been paid.On sufficient grounds, the Union Government shall reduce or write off the interest that is to be paid.

140. When a service personnel on deputation is promoted in the parent organization, the pay receive from that external organization shall not be taken into consideration in fixing the pay for the promoted post. The pay and allowance for the promoted post is entitled only when he has reverted to the parent organization.

141. The deputation period of a service personnel reverted to the parent organization ends on the date on which he resumes his duties in the parent organization. At the end of deputation, if a service personnel takes leave before resuming his duties, the deputation period shall be ended only on the date on which such service personnel returns to service in the parent organization.