Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

Civil Service Personnel Law and Rules, Civil Service Affairs

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Civil Services Personnel Law

Chapter XI

Imposing Penalty Related to Disciplines of Services Personnel and Appeal


53. In holding departmental inquiries, one of the following penalties or more than one penalty may be imposed in accord with the rules, regulations and by-laws:
(a) caution by letter;
(b) withholding of increment;
(c) withholding of promotion;
(d) reduction of pay within pay scale;
(e) reduction to a lower post;
(f) recovery of wholly or partially lost value caused by negligence or breach of orders and directives;
(g) not permitting to enjoy full pay or not determining such term as the term of duty for the term of suspension from duty;
(h) removal from the post;
(i) dismissal from the being services personnel.

Chapter XII

Types of Pension

56. A Services personnel is entitled to enjoy any one of the following types of pension:
(a) superannuation pension;
(b) retiring pension;
(c) invalid pension;
(d) compensation pension;
(e) extra-ordinary pension;
(f) family pension;
(g) reduction pension.

57. A services personnel shall retire when attaining the age of retirement other than a matter particularly specified under the provisions contained in any existing Law. In so retiring, the services personnel shall have the right to enjoy superannuation pension in accord with the stipulations.

58. A services personnel is entitled to enjoy superannuation pension when he has attained the age of superannuation although he has not attained retirement age. In the case of a services personnel who has not attained the prescribed superannuation is required to retire, it shall be permitted to enjoy permission with the approval of the organization conferred duty for this purpose by the Union Government.