2. In Section 2 of the Civil Service Personnel Law,
(a) Sub-section (d) shall be substituted as follows:
“(d) (i) Head of the Ministry and Organization means Heads of the Hluttaw Organizations selected and assigned by the respective Hluttaw and Heads of the Ministries and Organizations appointed by the President;
(ii) Head of the Service Personnel Organization means a person who is appointed and assigned duty by the President as the Head of the Service Personnel Organization in any Service Personnel Organization;”
(b) Sub-section (e) shall be substituted as follows:
“(e) Service Personnel means a Civil Service Personnel appointed to any post in the formation of any service personnel organization. Although the Defence Service Personnel and members of the Myanmar Police Force are the Civil Service Personnel, they shall not apply to the matters of this Law according to the nature of their work and duties;”
(c) Sub-section (f) shall be substituted as follows:
“(f) Ministry and Organization means the respective Ministry of the Union Government, the respective Ministry of the Region or State Government and the Self-Administered Areas. In this expression, for the purpose of this Law, the Office of the President of the Union, the Office of the Union Government, the Offices of the Hluttaw, the Office of the Supreme Court of the Union, the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union, the Office of the Union Election Commission, the Union Attorney General’s Office, the Office of the Auditor General of the Union, the Office of the Union Civil Service Board, the Office of the Nay Pyi Taw Council, the Office of the Central Bank of Myanmar, the Office of the Anti- Corruption Commission, the Office of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission and Offices of Union Level Organizations formed under the law.”