Union Civil Service Board

Union Civil Services Board Law and Rules,

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Union Civil Services Board Law 8

Chapter III

Duties and Powers of the Board

8. The duties of the Board are as follows:
(a) selecting systematically the civil services personnel contained in section 3;
(b) training and nurturing the services personnel effectively;
(c) supporting the Union Government for determining the ethics, regulations, procedures, standards relating to the services personnel and enabling to lay down the policy guidelines ;
(d) conducting research relating to the affairs of services personnel;
(e) communicating with the United Nations Agencies, Regional Organizations and International Organizations, with the approval of the Union Government, in respect of the affairs of services personnel;
(f) scrutinizing the affairs of services personnel which are enquired by the Services Personnel Organizations and replying in accord with the existing regulations and procedures;
(g) maintaining the records systematically in respect of matters of taking action against the services personnel;
(h) scrutinizing and coordinating in respect of matters of selecting, nurturing and maintenance of the disciplines of the Union Services Personnel Organizations and Services Personnel Organizations of the Region or State;
(i) coordinating and carrying out to form the Civil Services Personnel Organizations for enabling to carry out works administered by the Region or State Government and in the appointment of necessary civil services personnel, in accord with the Union law relating to services personnel or by coordinating with the Union Government in advance;
(j) reporting the performance of the Board annually to the President and submitting interim report if necessary;
(k) performing duties assigned by the Union Government, from time to time.


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